How to Use "Session" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words session (n): a period of time for a particular activity


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Used with adjectives:

"We had a long session at band practice."
(long, lengthy, short, early, late)

"We will have another practice session tomorrow."
(practice, training, tutoring, counseling)

"I have a workout session in the morning."
(workout, exercise, yoga)

Used with verbs:

"The community college offers training sessions every Monday."
(offers, has, organizes, provides)

"The session is scheduled for the afternoon."
(be + scheduled, be + planned)

"I attended the last session."
(attended, missed, went to)

"The session will begin at ten o'clock."
(begin, start, end, finish, take place)

Used with prepositions:

"We will have a session on learning English next week."

"Class is currently in session."

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