How to Use "Severe" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words severe (adj): very bad; serious; painful; harsh


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Used with verbs:

"His injury looks severe."
(looks, seems, be: is/am/are, sounds)

"The weather grew very severe."
(grew, became, remained)

Used with adverbs:

"We had an extremely severe winter."
(extremely, especially, exceptionally, unusually, very)

"The wind has gotten increasingly severe."
(increasingly, more, fairly)

Used with nouns:

"George has severe allergies."
(allergies, asthma, arthritis, acne, doubt, pain)

"We witnessed severe weather in Alaska."
(weather, wind, rain, snow)

"The patient experienced severe bleeding."
(bleeding, complications, burns, dehydration, depression, discomfort, side effects, symptoms)

"She has a severe disability."
(disability, disadvantage, disease, disorder, infection, injury, migraine)

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