How to Use "Signal" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words signal (n): something that sends information or a message


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Used with adjectives:

"We received a clear signal."
(clear, unmistakable)

"He was giving mixed signals to his ex-girlfriend."
(mixed, conflicting, confusing, contradictory)

"We were startled by the warning signal."
(warning, alarm, distress, danger)

"The baseball pitcher gave the catcher a hand signal."
(hand, visual, non-verbal)

"I called him, but I got a busy signal."

Used with verbs:

"She gives mixed signals."
(gives, sends, shows)

"The employees learned to pick up visual signals."
(pick up, respond to)

"The nurse tried to read the signals from the patient."
(read, understand, pick up, recognize)

"This signal indicates danger."
(indicates, means, shows, implies)

Used with prepositions:

"The police officer made a signal for her to pull over."

"We waited for the signal from the captain."

Study Vocabulary Words signal (v): to make a sound or motion that tells someone something; to show or mark


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Used with adverbs:

"She was signaling frantically to the police officer."
(frantically, desperately, wildly)

"The truce clearly signals the end of the war."
(clearly, surely, hopefully)

Used with verbs:

"I tried to signal to them."
(tried to, attempted to)

"The hug appears to signal the end of their fight."
(appear to, seems to)

"This speech was intended to signal a change in policy."
(be + intended to, be + meant to)

Used with nouns:

"The bells are signaling their approach."
(approach, arrival, move, return)

"His new job signals a new beginning."
(beginning, start, turning point)

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