How to Use "Shift" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words shift (n): a change in place or position; a particular time of work


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Used with adjectives:

"There has been a major shift in the economy."
(major, massive, huge, important, significant, gradual)

"We noticed a slight shift in the opinion polls."
(slight, small)

"The military made a sudden shift in position."
(sudden, abrupt)

"She works a double shift every weekend."
(double, long)

"He hardly sees his children because he works the early shift."
(early, late, graveyard, night)

"I prefer to work the evening shift."
(evening, morning, weekend, afternoon, day)

Used with verbs:

"The protest represents a dramatic shift in attitude toward the war."
(represents, marks, indicates, reflects, signals)

"The new president can bring about an economic shift."
(bring about, drive, lead, produce)

"The climate shift occurred gradually."
(occurred, happened, took place)

"She starts her shift early in the morning."
(starts, begins, ends)

"He works the night shift."
(works, does)

Used with nouns:

"She made arrangements with the shift supervisor."
(supervisor, manager)

"He asked for a shift change."

Used with prepositions:

"There was a shift in direction."

"I noticed a gradual shift toward hiring part-time employees."
(toward, towards)

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