How to Use "Shine" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words shine (v): to make a bright light


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Used with adverbs:

"The sun shines brightly through the window."
(brightly, brilliantly, directly)

"There was a small light shining faintly from the other room."

Used with verbs:

"The dentist made her teeth shine."

Used with prepositions:

"The policeman was shining his flashlight at us."
(at, on, near, toward)

"A bright light shines from the lighthouse."

"Her face was shining in the moonlight."

"Look at how the light shines on his face."

Used with nouns:

"The lamp was shining in the background."
(lamp, lantern, torch, sun, sunlight, moon, moonlight, headlights)

"He shined the flashlight on us."
(flashlight, light, lantern, spotlight)

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