How to Use "Sign" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words sign (n): a piece of paper, metal, or wood with writing or symbols on it that gives information about something; a situation that indicates something may happen or is currently happening; a way of communication


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Used with adjectives:

"There were flashing signs not to go in the water."
(flashing, neon, warning)

"The kids made cardboard signs for their lemonade stand."
(cardboard, wooden, painted, handwritten, home-made)

"We followed the exit signs."
(exit, street, store)

"He showed clear signs of the chicken pox."
(clear, classic, definite, distinct, obvious, sure, unmistakable, visible)

"It's a good sign when kids aren't fighting."
(good, excellent, hopeful, positive, promising)

"The warm rain is the first sign of the storm."
(first, early)

"The warning signs were present from the beginning."
(warning, danger, bad, disturbing, troubling)

"He indicated a peace sign with his hands."

Used with verbs:

"His face showed no sign of emotion."
(showed, displayed, gave, exhibited)

"We detected signs of depression."
(detected, found, noticed, saw, spotted)

"The signs were easy to read."
(read, interpret, recognize, see)

"We missed the warning signs."
(missed, ignored)

Used with prepositions:

"He ran away at the first sign of trouble."

"The people thought the earthquake was a sign from God."

"The man showed many signs of weakness."

"We saw the sign to the entrance."
(to, for)

Used with nouns:

"Do you know sign language?"

Study Vocabulary Words sign (v): to write your name on something


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Used with adverbs:

"She has officially signed the paperwork."
(officially, formally)

"The author personally signed my book."

"I signed up for evening classes."

Used with verbs:

"You will be required to sign a contract."
(be required, be asked, have, need)

"He agreed to sign the divorce papers."
(agreed to, be + willing to, wanted to)

Used with prepositions:

"I'm staying home to sign for a package."

Used with nouns:

"We signed the agreement."
(agreement, contract, deal, lease, paper, paperwork, receipt, check, card, will, consent, form, document)

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