How to Use "Street" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words street (n): a public road in a city or town


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Used with adjectives:

"They live on a busy street."
(busy, wide, broad, narrow, quiet)

"We drove through a deserted street."
(deserted, congested, crowded, dark, dimly lit, winding, steep)

"The city is known to have clean streets."
(clean, noisy, dirty, dangerous, unsafe)

"We couldn't get through the flooded street."
(flooded, muddy)

"I took the wrong street."
(wrong, side, main, one-way)

Used with verbs:

"He told me to take the first street on the right."
(take, turn into)

"She has to cross the street to go home."

"The police blocked the street."
(blocked, blocked off, patrolled, cleared)

"We decided to walk down the street."
(walk down, stroll down)

"People packed the streets to watch the parade."
(packed, lined, crowded)

Used with nouns:

"There are bars on every street corner."

"The city has become famous for street attacks."
(attack, violence, fights, battles, brawls, robberies, demonstrations, protests)

"I couldn't see the street sign in the rain."
(sign, name, number)

"We saw lots of street performers in New York."
(performers, musicians, entertainers, vendors)

"The street lamps were all out."
(lamps, lights)

Used with prepositions:

"Do you see the sign across the street?"

"We walked along the narrow street."

"The store is just up the street from me."
(up, down)

"We used to live on the same street."

"The kids were playing in the street."

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