How to Use "Strength" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words strength (n): the quality of being physically or mentally strong; the power to resist force


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Used with adjectives:

"I was amazed by his incredible strength."
(incredible, great, tremendous, sheer, superior)

"Her surprising strength became helpful during the last part of the competition."
(surprising, unexpected, growing, increased, extra)

"Their combined strength helped them win the game."
(combined, collective, overall)

"He shows great emotional strength during tough times."
(emotional, inner, mental, physical, spiritual)

"He always had tremendous leg strength."
(leg, arm, lower-body, upper-body)

"Our country is in need of greater economic strength."
(economic, financial, industrial, military)

Used with verbs:

"She had enough strength to sit up."
(had, possessed)

"He lacks the physical strength to do the job."
(lacks, has)

"I am trying to find enough strength to finish this project."
(find, muster)

"It took all his strength to fix the house."
(took, used, sapped)

"You should try to save your strength for later."
(save, conserve, maintain)

"She never recovered the strength in her legs after the accident."
(recovered, regained)

"My dad's support gave me strength."
(gave, provided)

"She's doing exercises to help build up strength in her arms."
(build up, grow, increase)

"We could see that her strength was fading."
(be + fading, be + declining, be + failing, be + returning)

Used with prepositions:

"He lifted the car with surprising strength."

"He is gradually regaining strength in his legs."

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