How to Use "Submit" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words submit (v): to give something to someone for review or approval; to accept or agree to something


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Used with adverbs:

"He formally submitted his resignation."
(formally, humbly)

"I submitted my vote electronically for the first time."
(electronically, online)

"They lost the documents I originally submitted."
(originally, previously)

"He voluntarily submitted to the new leadership."
(voluntarily, willingly, reluctantly, hesitantly)

Used with verbs:

"I was required to submit an application."
(be + required to, be + asked to)

"He had planned to submit the proposal tomorrow."
(planned to, intended to)

"She refused to submit to his authority."
(refused to, agreed to, be + forced to, be + obligated to, be + willing to, be + prepared to)

Used with prepositions:

"I submitted my registration for enrollment."

"She submitted her application to the front office."
"She refused to submit to their threats."

Used with nouns:

"Please submit your application by the due date."
(application, registration, payment, request, proposal, paperwork, plan, report, work)

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