How to Use "Supply" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words supply (n): an amount of something that is available to be used; things that are needed by a particular group of people


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Used with adjectives:

"There is an endless supply of paper in his office."
(endless, never-ending, infinite, unending, unlimited)

"We have a good supply of water for emergencies."
(good, large, abundant, adequate, sufficient, ample)

"He has an excessive supply of guns in his basement."
(excessive, extravagant)

"They need a constant supply of fresh water."
(constant, continuous, regular, steady)

"The hotel provides a fresh supply of clean towels every day."
(fresh, new)

"The accident cut off blood supply to her brain."
(blood, air, oxygen)

"Where can I buy art supplies?"

"Our church donated medical supplies to the poor country."

"I have to go shopping for school supplies."

"The fire left the family without any basic supplies."

Used with verbs:

"We have a good supply of clean water."

"The farmer produces the largest supply of dairy products in this area."
(produces, makes, provides)

"The earthquake cut off our city's power supply."
(cut off, disconnected, stopped, halted)

"We depleted our food supply before the camping trip was over."
(depleted, exhausted, used up, ran out of)

"I need to refill my supply of paper and pencils before school starts."
(refill, restore, restock, replenish)

"We are trying to reduce our supply of plastic bottles."
(reduce, limit, control)

"We need to increase our supply of firewood before winter."

Used with nouns:

"All of our office products are in the supply room."
(room, closet)

Used with prepositions:

"We need a supply of fresh towels."
( of)

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