How to Use "Support" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words support (n): the act of helping and encouraging someone in a difficult situation; help that is given through money


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Used with adjectives:

"You have my total support."
(total, complete, full)

"She received overwhelming support after the accident."
(overwhelming, great, tremendous)

"The new candidate is enjoying the growing support from the voters."
(growing, increasing)

"Thank you for your continuing support."
(continuing, ongoing)

"She lacks parental support."

"She came with her friend for moral support."
(moral, emotional)

"She is on life support."

"We need extra support from the community."
(extra, additional)

"Tech support was unable to fix her computer problem."
(tech, customer)

Used with verbs:

"I have the support of my family."

"We receive great support from our community."
(receive, get)

"We give support to our local small businesses."
(give, lend, offer, provide)

"He is losing the support of his voters every day."
(be + losing, be + gaining)

"The community withdrew their support for a new town center."
(withdrew, cut off)

"She needs a lot of support after the loss of her parents."
(needs, requires)

"Can I rely on your support?"
(rely on, count on, depend on)

"She deserves the support of her friends."

"Please show support for the new youth center."
(show, demonstrate)

"I appreciate your continuous support."

"Support for the president is slowly weakening."
(be + weakening, be + declining, be + fading)

"Support for the mayoral candidate is increasing."
(be + increasing, be + growing, be + rising)

"He is paying spousal support every month."
(be + paying)

"She is claiming child support for two children."
(be + claiming)

Used with nouns:

"She attends a weekly support group."
(group, meeting)

"She has a great support system of friends."

"Please report any technical problems to the support staff."
(staff, team)

Used with prepositions:

"I cannot do this without your support."

"I can only do this with your support."

"We offer support for our local businesses."
(for, to)

"The president of the board does not have support from his members."

"Do we have enough support between the two of them?"

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