How to Use "Weakness" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words weakness (n): lack of strength or power


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Used with adjectives:

"Candy is my greatest weakness."
(greatest, biggest)

"He has a major weakness for sugary food."
(major, serious)

"I have a small weakness for babies."

"He took advantage of her physical weakness."
(physical, personal, obvious)

"We should address any possible weaknesses."
(possible, potential)

Used with verbs:

"The accident caused weakness in his arms."
(caused, created)

"We identified the weakness in the plan."
(identified, determined, assessed, addressed)

"She suffers from weakness in her legs."
(suffers from, has, developed)

"He revealed the other team's weakness."
(revealed, exposed, pointed out, highlighted, showed)

"He tried to hide his weakness."
(hide, overcome, minimize)

Used with prepositions:

"She has a weakness for sweet desserts."

"Hesitation is a sign of weakness."

"There was a huge weakness in the other team's defense."

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