How to Use "Wedding" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words wedding (n): a ceremony where two people are getting married


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Used with adjectives:

"She wants a church wedding."
(church, white, traditional, big, small)

"We watched the royal wedding on television."

"The wedding was beautiful."
(beautiful, lovely)

Used with verbs:

"We are attending a wedding at noon."
(be + attending, be + going to)

"I was invited to their wedding."
(be + invited)

"The wedding was conducted by their pastor."
(be + conducted, be + officiated)

"The wedding will take place in April."
(will take place, will be)

"They had a small wedding."
(had, arranged, planned)

"She called off the wedding."
(called off, postponed, stopped)

Used with nouns:

"It is finally our wedding day."
(day, night)

"Have you received the wedding invitation?"

"Her mom is helping with the wedding plans."
(plans, preparations)

"She hired a professional wedding planner."
(planner, photographer)

"Have you set the wedding date?"

"She wants the perfect wedding dress."
(dress, gown)

"Can I see your wedding ring?"
(ring, band)

"The wedding ceremony was beautiful."
(ceremony, service)

"He forgot his wedding vows."

"They took pictures with the wedding party."
(party, group, guests)

"The wedding reception had great food."

"The photographer is taking pictures of the wedding guests."
(guests, party)

"The wedding cake was tall."

"She was not happy with the wedding album."
(album, photographs, pictures, photos, video)

"They are celebrating their first wedding anniversary."

Used with prepositions:

"They met at the wedding."

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