How to Use "Web" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words web (n): a net made by a spider to catch insects; something put together in a complicated way; short form for World Wide Web


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Used with adjectives:

"The fly is trapped in the spider web."

"What a complicated web of lies he has created."
(complicated, elaborate, tangled, complex)

Used with verbs:

"The fly is trapped in the spider web."
(be + trapped, be + tangled, be + caught)

"The spider spins its web."
(spins, makes, builds, weave)

"The city built a web of residential streets."
(built, created, developed)

"She surfs the Web all day."
(surfs, browses, searches)

"We can't access the Web."
(access, use)

Used with nouns:

"Have you visited her Web page?"

"Do you have the Web address?"
(address, link)

"The Web browser is slow."
(browser, server, connection)

"He works in Web design."
(design, development, publishing)

"She is a Web designer."
(designer, developer, editor, host)

"We don't have Web access here."

"We did a Web search on the company."

Used with prepositions:

"She walked into the spider web."

"I found this on the Web."

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