How to Use "Worker" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words worker (n): a person who does a job


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Used with adjectives:

"She is a hard worker."
(hard, good, productive, fast, quick, diligent)

"He got fired for being a slow worker."
(slow, lazy)

"The department store is hiring part-time workers."
(part-time, full-time, permanent, temporary, seasonal)

"We are in need of volunteer workers at the food bank."
(volunteer, voluntary)

"Average workers make minimum wage."
(average, factory, assembly-line, production)

"Rescue workers are needed at the earthquake site."
(rescue, relief, aid, medical, emergency)

"Daycare workers should be monitored."
(daycare, childcare, social)

Used with verbs:

"The company has over one hundred workers."
(has, employs, uses)

"They pay their workers more than minimum wage."

"Most workers earn minimum wage at that restaurant."
(earn, receive, get)

"The stores are hiring workers during the holidays."
(be + hiring, be + employing, be + recruiting)

"The big company laid off half of their workers."
(laid off, fired, let go, dismissed)

"Unions protect workers from unfair labor practices."

"The workers organized a union to defend themselves from unfair labor practices."
(organized, created, formed, established)

"Over one hundred workers lost their jobs before Christmas."

"Workers voted to strike."

Used with nouns:

"He is seeking worker compensation."

"The union is demanding worker rights."
(rights, protection)

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