How to Use "Work" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words work (n): a job where a person makes money; an effort to get things done; a place where a person does his or her job; repairs


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Used with adjectives:

"It is hard work standing up all day."
(hard, difficult, challenging, demanding, intensive, tiring, tough)

"We appreciate her hours of dedicated work."
(dedicated, tireless, endless, valuable)

"Helping young kids is rewarding work."

"They hired extra people to do the heavy work."
(heavy, physical, dangerous, dirty)

"He always looks for easy work."
(easy, light, little)

"Data entry is tedious work."
(tedious, repetitive, boring)

"Her son asked for extra work around the house to make some money."
(extra, more)

"The contractor does excellent work on kitchens."
(excellent, great, good, outstanding)

"The contractor did poor work on our house."
(poor, shoddy, sloppy, bad, terrible)

"Please do your own work."

"I am looking for full-time work."
(full-time, part-time, permanent, temporary, regular, steady)

"She does a lot of volunteer work on the weekends."
(volunteer, voluntary, charity)

"She is good at administrative work."
(administrative, clerical, office, secretarial)

"The roads need extensive work."
(extensive, major, repair)

Used with verbs:

"His mistakes make more work for me."
(make, create, produce)

"We get more work during tax season."
(get, have, receive)

"Let's begin work on the house."
(begin, start, continue, resume)

"They completed work on the project."
(completed, finished)

"Work was halted because of the strike."
(be + halted, be + stopped, be + held up)

"Their work is checked regularly."
(be + checked, be + inspected, be + supervised)

"We truly admire his work."
(admire, appreciate, value, like, love)

"The new program requires a lot of work."
(requires, needs)

"Please submit your work by the end of the day."
(submit, turn in, hand in)

"I am looking for work."
(be + looking for, be + searching for)

"I want to return to work after I have the baby."
(return to, go back to)

"I love my work."
(love, hate)

Used with prepositions:

"I am very busy at work."
(at, with)

"He has been out of work for three months."
(out of)

"We met through work."

"I need to do some work on the house."

"He does a lot of work with charities."

Used with nouns:

"She has good work ethic."
(ethic, habits)

"He has a busy work schedule."

"Please keep your work surface clean."
(surface, station, area)

"We have a pleasant work environment."

"Please don't call me during work hours."

"She is in the country on a work visa."
(visa, permit)

"He doesn't have enough work experience."

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