How to Use "Baby" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words baby (n): a very young child or animal


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Used with adjectives:

"They have a newborn baby."
(newborn, small, new, healthy, tiny, little, young)

"What a beautiful baby!"
(beautiful, cute, wonderful)

"Crying babies give me stress."
(crying, screaming)

"Growing babies need a lot of sleep."
(growing, healthy)

Used with verbs:

"That couple wants a baby."
(wants, has, be + expecting, be + hoping for)

"She's afraid to give birth to a baby."
(give birth to, have, deliver)

"The doctor delivers many babies a day."
(delivers, sees, cares for, checks on)

"Where was your baby conceived?"
(conceived, born)

"What will you name your baby?"
(name, call)

"I breast-feed my baby."
(breast-feed, bottle-feed, feed)

"We have to comfort our baby at night."
(comfort, rock, hold, play with, sing to)

"They're hoping to adopt a baby."
(adopt, have)

"The baby is crawling."
(be + crawling, be + sleeping, be + walking, be +talking, be + crying, be + nursing, be + teething, be + kicking, be + moving)

"The baby is due in March."
(be + due, be + expected, will arrive, will be born)

Used with nouns:

"I have a baby boy."
(boy, girl, brother, sister)

"Look at the baby birds."
(birds, rabbits, fish, animals)

"I need to buy baby clothes."
(clothes, food, formula, powder, oil)

"They gave us a new baby stroller."
(stroller, carrier, carriage, monitor)

"We prefer not to use baby talk with our kids."

"She's planning a baby shower."

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