How to Use "Background" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words background (n): past history or experience; the part of view behind the main subject


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Used with adjectives:

"Tell me about your family background."
(family, educational, academic, religious, ethnic, cultural, social)

"The students come from mixed backgrounds."
(mixed, different, diverse, various, many)

"She comes from a wealthy background."
(wealthy, privileged, middle-class, lower-class, upper-class, solid, stable)

"We'll take a look at the historical background of the issue."
(historical, economic, political, cultural, social, sociological)

"She painted the background black."
(black, light, dark, white, red, blue) *many additional colors

"We come from similar backgrounds."

Used with verbs:

"They come from a middle-class background."
(come from, have, be + from)

"The company runs background checks of all its employees."
(runs, conducts)

"His lecture will explain the historical background of the Constitution."
(explain, describe, outline, provide)

"At parties, I prefer to blend into the background."
(blend, fade, melt, retreat)

Used with nouns:

"I cannot concentrate with too much background noise."
(noise, music)

"I like the background color of this photography."

"She sang background vocals on that song."

"They are running background checks on their employees."

"It would be nice to have some background information before the meeting."
(information, knowledge)

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