How to Use "Back" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words back (v): to return or go in reverse; to support


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Used with adverbs:

"He quickly backed away."
(quickly, hurriedly, immediately, slowly, cautiously, nervously)

"You need to back off."
(off, away, up)

"Can you back me up?"

"I'm strongly backing this candidate."
(strongly, fully, openly, publicly)

"The employees unanimously backed the new policy."
(unanimously, overwhelmingly)

"My business needs to be financially backed."
(financially, monetarily)

Used with prepositions:

"She backed into a tree."

"He backed out of the narrow parking space."
(out of)

"They slowly backed away from the barking dog."
(away from)

Study Vocabulary Words back (adj): located behind or away from the front


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Used with nouns:

"He came through the back alley."
(alley, entrance, exit, door, window)

"He damaged his back bumper."

"She uses the back bedroom."
(bedroom, office, corner, room)

"They are remodeling the back deck."
(deck, porch)

"She is sitting in the back row."
(row, seat)

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