How to Use "Can" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words can (n): a metal, cylindrical container


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Used with adjectives:

"The soup is in an aluminum can."
(aluminum, metal, tin)

"Recycle the empty cans."
(empty, food, beer, soda, pop, soup, tuna)

"We keep a gas can in the garage."
(gas, gasoline, oil, watering)

"We have many different paint cans in the garage."

"Don't forget to take the garbage can out."
(garbage, trash)

Used with verbs:

"Diced tomatoes come in a can."
(come in, be + packed in)

"We opened a can of soda."
(opened, drank)

"Make sure to drain all of the cans before recycling them."
(drain, empty)

"Don't forget to recycle your metal cans."

Used with nouns:

"Does anyone have a can opener?"

Used with prepositions:

"I want a can of soda."

"I threw it in the garbage can."

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