How to Use "Feature" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words feature (n): an important part of something; a characteristic; a part of someone's physical body, especially on the face; a news item


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Used with adjectives:

"His plan has three basic features."
(basic, main, key, major, prominent, central, critical, crucial, essential, important)

"Descriptive language is a distinctive feature of Hemingway's writing."
(distinctive, distinguishing, dominant, notable, noteworthy, noticeable, prominent)

"This car has some outstanding new features."
(outstanding, significant, remarkable, special)

"This house has some interesting features."
(interesting, unusual, appealing, attractive, nice, eye-catching)

"This camera has some unique features."
(unique, handy, useful)

"These three case studies have some common features."
(common, shared)

"Air conditioning is a permanent feature in many cars these days."
(permanent, regular, standard, added, additional, extra, optional)

"His proposal only has one redeeming feature."
(redeeming, desirable)

"I think voice command is my favorite feature of this toy."

"They are testing the advanced features of the product."
(advanced, enhanced, new, interactive)

"They discussed the architectural features of the building."
(architectural, design, physical, structural)

"They were amazed at the geographical features of the canyon."
(geographical, geological, landscape)

"The new building has a lot of energy-saving features."
(energy-saving, safety, security)

"He has attractive features."
(attractive, handsome, nice, rugged, masculine, boyish)

"She has beautiful features."
(beautiful, delicate, soft)

"She has the physical features required for the part."
(physical, facial)

"He is working on a big feature."
(big, major, special, important, in-depth)

"Her column is a regular feature in the Sunday paper."

"They have a daily feature on local restaurants."
(daily, weekly, monthly)

Used with verbs:

"This product has many new features."
(has, includes, offers)

"They retained many architectural features of the house."
(retained, kept)

"They added some cool features to this phone."

"He pointed out the useful features of the new system."
(pointed out)

"His plan lacks some important features."

"Our new feature enables users to transfer information wirelessly."
(enables, allows)

"The sisters have many similar features."
(have, share)

"They will run a special feature on the election."
(run, publish, write, do, show, air)

Used with prepositions:

"The main character is a young woman with delicate features."

"She is writing a feature on the new mayor."

Used with nouns:

"He is a feature writer for a magazine."

"She got a promotion to features editor at the newspaper."

"The features section always has interesting stories."

"He is working on an important feature story."

Study Vocabulary Words feature (v): to include someone or something as an important part


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Used with adverbs:

"Her website regularly features recipes."
(regularly, typically, frequently, often)

"He rarely features women on the cover of his magazine."

"The menu heavily features vegetarian dishes."
(heavily, strongly, mostly)

Used with prepositions:

"She always features her children in her artwork."

Used with nouns:

"This movie features my favorite actor."
(movie, film, tv show, ad, performance, magazine, commercial, cast, episode)

"His paintings heavily feature nature."

"This gallery features local artists."
(gallery, exhibit, exhibition, display, festival)

"The hotel features a pool and rooftop terrace."

"This magazine features a fascinating article on his new movie."
(article, interview)

"They are featuring local art during the show."
(art, artists)

"His recipes are featured in this month's issue."
(recipes, cuisine, commentary, photographs)

"This play features an interesting cast."

"The gallery features an interesting selection of artwork."
(selection, collection, mix, display)

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