How to Use "Discussion" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words discussion (n): a conversation


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Used with adjectives:

"They had a detailed discussion about what happened."
(detailed, extensive, full, in-depth, thorough, extended, lengthy, long, brief)

"Nothing was accomplished during the initial discussion."

"They had public discussion about road maintenance."
(public, formal, informal)

"Our teacher holds a class discussion."
(class, classroom, group, round-table)

"The businessman would like a one-on-one discussion."
(one-on-one, face-to-face)

"Let's have a frank discussion."
(frank, honest, open)

"They try to promote constructive discussion."
(constructive, helpful, meaningful, useful)

"He enjoys deep discussions."
(deep, insightful, serious, heated, intense, lively, fascinating, interesting)

"Teachers should encourage critical discussion."
(critical, rational, academic, technical)

Used with verbs:

"He had a heated discussion with the mayor."
(had, entered into, was involved in, joined in, participated in, took part in)

"A simple remark can prompt a discussion."
(prompt, provoke, spark, generate, initiate, encourage)

"Who would like to begin the discussion?"
(begin, open, start, set up, lead)

"She always dominates our discussions."
(dominate, ends)

"May we continue the discussion?"

Used with nouns:

"We created a discussion group."
(group, topic, board, forum, list)

Used with prepositions:

"The governor was aware of the subject for discussion."
(for, under)

"The men have been in discussion with them."

"There was a discussion among the workers."
(among, between)

"In our discussions, you voiced your disappointment with the company."
(in, during)

"They are having a discussion about world hunger."
(about, on)

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