How to Use "Famous" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words famous (adj): well-known to many people


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Used with verbs:

"She wants to become famous."
(become, be)

"She is a famous singer."
(be: is/am/are)

"The movie made the town famous."

Used with adverbs:

"He has become extremely famous."
(extremely, very, fairly, quite, rather)

"They want to be equally famous."

"She is an internationally famous singer."
(internationally, world)

"This restaurant is locally famous."

"The town is rightly famous for its beer."
(rightly, justly)

Used with prepositions:

"The town is famous for its restaurants."

"She is famous as a singer and an actress."

Used with nouns:

"She was excited to meet the famous actress."
(actress, actor, musician, singer, athlete)

"He is a famous architect."
(artist, author, composer, conductor, designer, novelist, painter, photographer, writer, sculptor)

"We saw a famous painting in the museum."
(painting, photograph, sculpture)

"She read some famous books for her project."
(books, novels, passages, quotes, remarks, sayings)

"He visited a famous landmark on his trip."
(landmark, museum, monument)

"A famous scholar is visiting our school this week."
(scholar, scientist, physicist, philosopher, person)

"There are many famous people in town this week."
(people, celebrities, performers)

"She recognized the famous song."
(song, name, passage, quote, quotation)

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