How to Use "Fast" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fast (adj): not slow; quick


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Used with verbs:

"His heartbeat is very fast."
(be: is/am/are; seems)

Used with adverbs:

"That car is extremely fast."
(extremely, very, particularly, remarkably, surprisingly, incredibly, amazingly)

"The computer runs slightly faster than before."
(slightly, a little)

"He works reasonably fast."
(reasonably, relatively)

Used with nouns:

"That car has incredibly fast acceleration."
(acceleration, speed)

"He has a very fast computer."
(computer, car)

"They provided really fast service."
(service, delivery)

"The express train is quite fast."
(train, lane)

"She ran a very fast lap."
(lap, race, time)

"He is a fast reader."
(reader, learner, runner, worker)

"This song has a very fast rhythm."
(rhythm, tempo)

"We are going to get some fast food."

"She has fast reflexes."

"He made a fast recovery."
(recovery, reaction)

"She's making fast progress on the project."

"This medicine should give you fast relief."

Study Vocabulary Words fast (adv): quickly


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Used with adjectives:

"She was fast asleep when I got there."

Used with verbs:

"We are fast approaching the end of the trip."

"Her heart beat fast."

"Their support faded fast."
(faded, shrank, declined, dropped, receded)

"Her popularity grew fast."
(grew, expanded, rose, spread)

"He rode fast toward home."
(rode, ran, walked, drove, traveled, pedaled)

"The stock price changed fast."
(changed, recovered)

"I had to think fast in that situation."

"The boat began to sink fast."
(sink, fill, capsize)

"The water began to flow fast."
(flow, leak)

"The eagle flew fast after its prey."
(flew, soared)

"We need to update her fast."
(update, inform, notify)

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