How to Use "Family" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words family (n): a group of people related to each other consisting of one or two parents and children


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Used with adjectives:

"He comes from a large family."
(large, big, small)

"Their entire family gets together at Christmas."
(entire, whole)

"Her family is very close."
(close, close-knit, happy, loving, supportive)

"This show portrays a dysfunctional family."

"He supports the idea of a nuclear family."
(nuclear, traditional, two-parent)

"The average family cannot afford expensive luxuries."

"We invited our immediate family."
(immediate, extended)

"She works with single-parent families."
(single-parent, one-parent, adoptive, homeless, poor)

"They grew up in a military family."
(military, working-class, middle-class, religious)

"He was adopted by a wealthy family."
(wealthy, rich, affluent, well-to-do)

Used with verbs:

"They belong to a well-known family."
(belong to, came from, be + part of)

"She married into a wealthy family."
(married into)

"Red hair runs in their family."
(runs in)

"That item was in our family for years."
(be +in)

"She has a young family."

"They want to start a family soon."
(start, raise)

"He works hard to support his family."
(support, feed, take care of)

Used with nouns:

"She's learning about her family history."
(history, background, ancestry, heritage)

"He carried on the family tradition and became a doctor."

"She tries to maintain family connections despite being far away."
(connections, relationships, ties)

"He calls his family members frequently."

"He is a longtime family friend."

"Their family life is rather complicated."

"She returned to the family home."

"He joined the family business."

"She has too many family commitments."
(commitments, responsibilities)

"They have to use the family income carefully."

"They take a family vacation every year."

"She wants to keep her family name."

"The average family size is decreasing in America."

"He was described as being a family man."

Used with prepositions:

"There are many problems in her family."
(in, within)

"He is the head of the family."

"He gets his stubbornness from his family."

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