How to Use "Fat" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words fat (n): a naturally oily substance found in the body tissues of humans and animals under their skin; a solid or liquid substance from animals that is turned into oil for cooking


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Used with adjectives:

"She needs to get rid of extra fat to be healthier."
(extra, excess, stored, body)

"He still has some baby fat."

"They are trying to avoid dietary fat."
(dietary, animal, vegetable, extra, excess, added)

"He is following a reduced fat diet."
(reduced, low, high)

"There is a lot of visible fat in this steak."

"This dish was flavored with bacon fat."
(bacon, beef, duck, pork)

Used with verbs:

"I gained a lot of fat from eating poorly."
(gained, put on)

"He is trying to lose extra fat."
(lose, burn, shed)

"Many animals try to store fat for the winter."

"This product claims to break down fat."
(break down)

"Dessert usually contains a lot of fat."
(contains, has)

"She's trying to eat less fat."
(eat, consume)

"They are cutting down on fat in their diet."
(be + cutting down on, be + reducing)

"They are eliminating fat from their diet."
(be + eliminating, be + cutting out)

"She avoids fat as part of her diet."

"I always remove the fat before cooking meat."
(remove, cut off, trim)

"Adding a little fat will give the dish flavor."

"Drain the fat from the pan before serving it."
(drain, pour, skim)

Used with nouns:

"He's limiting his fat intake."

"The fat content of that dish is very high."

Study Vocabulary Words fat (adj): not thin; having too much flesh on the body; heavy; large


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Used with verbs:

"I feel very fat."
(feel, look, be: is/am/are)

"My cat is getting fat."
(be + getting, be + becoming, be +growing)

"Having dessert every night is making me fat."
(be + making)

"Did she just call you fat?"

Used with adverbs:

"Her cat is enormously fat."
(enormously, extremely, hugely, really, very)

"His body is quite fat."
(quite, rather)

Used with nouns:

"She received a fat envelope in the mail."
(envelope, package)

"The doctor poked at my fat tummy."
(tummy, thigh, belly, body, leg)

"What a fat cat."
(cat, pig, kid, man)

"She thinks she has a fat face."

"I have a fat lip from getting hit in the face."

"He had a fat wallet when he left the bank."

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