How to Use "Word" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words word (n): something said or written; a conversation; a promise; information


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Used with adjectives:

"He likes to use big words around adults."
(big, fancy, long, difficult, hard)

"Her children use polite words."
(polite, nice, kind, friendly)

"He says mean words to his brother."
(mean, unkind, hurtful, harsh)

"The teacher uses simple words in class."
(simple, easy, everyday, basic)

"What were his exact words?"
(exact, precise)

"He memorized some key words for his speech."

"Find the wrong word in the sentence."
(wrong, incorrect, misspelled, right, correct)

"He learned bad words from his friend."
(bad, curse, cuss, dirty, naughty, obscene, foul, profane, slang)

"I'll let you in if you say the magic word."
(magic, code)

"He always has to have the final word during arguments."
(final, last)

"Thank you for your encouraging words."
(encouraging, comforting, soothing, wise)

"Your words are meaningless to me."
(meaningless, empty, discouraging)

"She had a quick word with her son and he didn't misbehave again."
(quick, quiet, firm, stern)

"What is another word for car?"
(another, a substitute)

Used with verbs:

"Can I have a word with you?"

"She uses a lot of big words to impress people."
(uses, says)

"Do not mention any word of this to him."
(mention, say, speak)

"How do you pronounce this word?"
(pronounce, say, spell)

"He often misuses that word."
(misuses, mispronounces, misspells)

"I do not speak a word of Chinese."
(speak, know, understand)

"Look up the word in the dictionary."
(Look up, find)

"Choose your words carefully with sensitive people."
(choose, pick, select)

"Please translate these words for me."

"What does this word mean?"
(mean, indicate, signify)

"Words cannot express how thankful I am."
(express, describe)

"The word begins with the letter b."
(begins with, starts with)

"Please repeat the word."

"She whispered the secret word in my ear."
(whispered, said)

"He typed the words on a piece of paper."
(typed, wrote)

"I could not read a word of it."
(read, hear)

"He erased the bad word."
(erased, deleted, crossed out)

"She memorized all of the words to the famous speech."
(memorized, remembered, recalled)

"I give you my word that I will do everything I can."

"I hope you keep your word about helping me."

"Describe in your own words what happened."
(Describe, explain)

"He never breaks his word."
(breaks, goes back on)

"Please trust my word on this."
(trust, believe)

"How could you doubt my words?"

"Please send word to my family that I am doing well."
(send, bring, get)

"Did you get word of what happened to them?"
(get, receive, hear)

"She spread the word about massive layoffs at the company."

"Just say the word and I will be there."

Used with prepositions:

"Please tell the jury in your own words what happened."

"What is the Spanish word for restroom?"

"We had a word about her behavior."

"Can we have a word from our guest?"

"Let me give you a word of advice."

"I need a quick word with you."

Used with nouns:

"Would you like to play a word game?"
(game, puzzle)

"Her word choice was offensive."

"The therapist had the couple play word association."

"The essay contest has a minimum word count."

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