How to Use "Floor" with Example Sentences

top deco
Study Vocabulary Words floor (n): surface you walk on; bottom of something; level or story of a building


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Used with adjectives:

"He fell asleep on the bare floor."
(bare, cold, hard)

"She cleaned the dirty floors."
(dirty, dusty)

"Be careful on the wet floors."
(wet, clean, waxed, mopped)

"The room has cement floors."
(cement, concrete, stone, hardwood, wood, wooden, carpeted, marble, tiled, linoleum)

"She needs to clean the kitchen floor."
(kitchen, bathroom)

"I'll meet you on the dance floor."

"She lives on the first floor of the building."
(first, bottom, ground, top)

"His office is on the second floor."
(second, third, fourth, fifth) *many additional numbers

"She always gets a room on the upper floor of the hotel."
(lower, upper)

Used with verbs:

"They cleaned the floors before the party."
(cleaned, mopped,, polished, scrubbed, swept, washed, waxed)

"The book dropped to the floor."
(dropped to, fell to, hit)

"Make sure that doesn't touch the floor."
(touch, reach)

"He paced the floor."

"Trash littered her floor."
(littered, covered)

"Their offices occupy three floors in the building."

Used with nouns:

"They went shopping for new floor coverings."
(coverings, tiles, lamps)

"The floor space in here is limited."

"They looked at the floor plan for the new business."

Used with prepositions:

"You can just put that on the floor."

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bottom deco