How to Use "Flow" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words flow (n): the steady and continuous movement or production of something


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Used with adjectives:

"There was a large flow of melting snow down the mountain."
(large, huge, massive, heavy)

"There is adequate flow of water here."
(adequate, good, poor)

"They had to turn off the main flow."

"They are trying to deal with the increasing flow of customer traffic."
(increasing, increased, decreasing, decreased, seasonal)

"There is a constant flow of customers in this store."
(constant, continuous, endless)

"The river has returned to a natural flow."
(natural, steady, smooth)

"They inspected the river flow."
(river, lava, water)

"They're concerned about data flow."
(data, traffic, work, cash)

Used with verbs:

"The system generates a constant flow of data."
(generates, has, allows, creates, produces, provides)

"The dam maintains a consistent flow of water."
(maintains, keeps, ensures)

"That department of transportation regulates the flow of traffic."
(regulates, controls, manages)

"They are trying to improve the water flow in this building."
(improve, increase)

"The accident greatly restricted the flow of traffic."
(restricted, impeded, disrupted, slowed, slowed down)

"They tried to stop the flow of debris before it destroyed the fish in the river."
(stop, block, break up, cut off)

"They diverted the flow of water away from the problem."
(diverted, directed)

"Many tools measure the flow of water."
(measure, calculate)

Used with nouns:

"They are reviewing the new flow chart."
(chart, diagram)

"The flow rate of the river is lower than normal."

Used with prepositions:

"He's concerned about data flow between the different groups."
(between, among)

"There hasn't been a good flow of information in this program."

"The water flow through the canyon is high this spring."
(through, into)

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