How to Use "Illustrate" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words illustrate (v): to provide with pictures; to explain with pictures


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Used with adverbs:

"The magazine was beautifully illustrated with amazing pictures."
(beautifully, attractively, handsomely, superbly, fully, richly)

"His report was neatly illustrated with charts and pictures."
(neatly, perfectly, brilliantly, nicely, clearly, vividly, effectively)

"The news report graphically illustrated the consequences of war."
(graphically, dramatically, powerfully, tragically)

Used with verbs:

"The commercial attempted to illustrate the differences between the two products."
(attempted, tried, wanted)

"The statistics from the survey served to illustrate his point."

"The painting is intended to illustrate the gift of life."
(be + intended, be + designed)

Used with prepositions:

"The magazine was heavily illustrated with photographs of beaches."

"The growth of the company can be illustrated by a simple pie chart."
(by, through, with)

Used with nouns:

"The article fully illustrated his point."
(article, chart, data, diagram, display, drawing, example, experiment, photograph, report, results, story)

"The presentation helped illustrate the argument."
(argument, book, case, concept, difference, effect, example, extent, idea, importance, point, problem)

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