Vocabulary Book 7: Words 1201 - 1400

This book contains the most frequently used words in spoken English from 1201 - 1400. Please read the instrutions below before starting the lessons.
  • Listening: Click on "Listen to the Lesson" to listen to the audio file for the entire section
  • Speaking: Click on any blue sentence to play the audio file for that word and then repeat out loud what you hear
  • Practice: Click on "Listen with pause" and repeat each sentence before the next sentence starts
IMPORTANT: Please repeat out loud and continue practicing until you can say it like the native English speaker from the audio file. If you study in this manner, you will improve your speaking and listening!

1201. sale 1202. season 1203. selection
1204. severe 1205. signal 1206. sleep
1207. smooth 1208. somewhere 1209. tree
1210. version 1211. wave 1212. abuse
1213. administration 1214. aspect 1215. deposit
1216. director 1217. kitchen 1218. lost
1219. manage 1220. necessarily 1221. personality
1222. personally 1223. principle 1224. psychological
1225. recommendation 1226. regularly 1227. similarly
1228. spirit 1229. storage 1230. street
1231. suitable 1232. anywhere 1233. argument
1234. basically 1235. belt 1236. bench
1237. closed 1238. closely 1239. connect
1240. consist 1241. contract 1242. copy
1243. dark 1244. differ 1245. double
1246. draw 1247. drop 1248. equal
1249. everybody 1250. firm 1251. fix
1252. highway 1253. hire 1254. initially
1255. join 1256. kill 1257. literally
1258. loss 1259. mainly 1260. membership
1261. minimum 1262. numerous 1263. path
1264. preparation 1265. progress 1266. project
1267. prove 1268. react 1269. recognize
1270. relax 1271. replace 1272. sea
1273. sensitive 1274. sit 1275. south
1276. status 1277. steak 1278. stuff
1279. tap 1280. tour 1281. unusual
1282. win 1283. advance 1284. alcohol
1285. commission 1286. complaint 1287. contribute
1288. effectively 1289. emphasis 1290. encourage
1291. expand 1292. frequent 1293. internal
1294. merely 1295. possession 1296. sufficient
1297. ticket 1298. union 1299. angle
1300. blue 1301. borrow 1302. breakfast
1303. claim 1304. constant 1305. cultural
1306. currency 1307. daughter 1308. doctor
1309. drag 1310. dream 1311. duty
1312. earn 1313. employment 1314. enable
1315. engineering 1316. entry 1317. famous
1318. father 1319. fee 1320. finance
1321. gently 1322. guess 1323. hour
1324. interaction 1325. juice 1326. limit
1327. luck 1328. milk 1329. minor
1330. mixed 1331. mixture 1332. mouth
1333. peace 1334. pipe 1335. please
1336. pull 1337. pure 1338. raw
1339. reflect 1340. seat 1341. soft
1342. solid 1343. stable 1344. team
1345. tradition 1346. trick 1347. virus
1348. wear 1349. weird 1350. agreement
1351. attack 1352. cancer 1353. confidence
1354. consistent 1355. degree 1356. dot
1357. drink 1358. emphasize 1359. essay
1360. existing 1361. hopefully 1362. operate
1363. originally 1364. preference 1365. previous
1366. region 1367. republic 1368. roughly
1369. send 1370. significantly 1371. storm
1372. substance 1373. wonder 1374. actor
1375. afraid 1376. afternoon 1377. amazing
1378. annual 1379. bat 1380. beach
1381. blank 1382. busy 1383. catch
1384. chain 1385. classroom 1386. cream
1387. crew 1388. detail 1389. detailed
1390. device 1391. difficulty 1392. doubt
1393. drama 1394. engage 1395. engine
1396. examine 1397. false 1398. feed
1399. forever 1400. gold