Vocabulary Book 9: Words 1601 - 1800

This book contains the most frequently used words in spoken English from 1601 - 1800. Please read the instrutions below before starting the lessons.
  • Listening: Click on "Listen to the Lesson" to listen to the audio file for the entire section
  • Speaking: Click on any blue sentence to play the audio file for that word and then repeat out loud what you hear
  • Practice: Click on "Listen with pause" and repeat each sentence before the next sentence starts
IMPORTANT: Please repeat out loud and continue practicing until you can say it like the native English speaker from the audio file. If you study in this manner, you will improve your speaking and listening!

1601. proof 1602. reasonable 1603. reflection
1604. refrigerator 1605. relief 1606. repair
1607. sad 1608. sand 1609. scratch
1610. sentence 1611. session 1612. shoulder
1613. sick 1614. stomach 1615. strange
1616. strict 1617. string 1618. succeed
1619. suddenly 1620. tourist 1621. towel
1622. truly 1623. vacation 1624. virtually
1625. west 1626. wine 1627. acceptable
1628. aggressive 1629. bag 1630. battle
1631. bother 1632. code 1633. cousin
1634. dimension 1635. disaster 1636. distinct
1637. expose 1638. extension 1639. extent
1640. horse 1641. host 1642. occasion
1643. outcome 1644. overcome 1645. pause
1646. phrase 1647. race 1648. resolution
1649. revenue 1650. rough 1651. singer
1652. smoke 1653. strike 1654. successfully
1655. suffer 1656. surprised 1657. tennis
1658. throw 1659. wheel 1660. acquire
1661. adapt 1662. adjust 1663. altogether
1664. anyway 1665. argue 1666. arise
1667. arm 1668. aside 1669. automatic
1670. basket 1671. bet 1672. blow
1673. bonus 1674. border 1675. brother
1676. buddy 1677. bunch 1678. cabinet
1679. childhood 1680. church 1681. civil
1682. clothes 1683. coach 1684. coffee
1685. confirm 1686. cross 1687. definitely
1688. deliberately 1689. dinner 1690. draft
1691. drawing 1692. employ 1693. encouraging
1694. expert 1695. external 1696. floor
1697. god 1698. golf 1699. habit
1700. hair 1701. hurt 1702. illegal
1703. incorporate 1704. initiative 1705. iron
1706. judgment 1707. justify 1708. laugh
1709. lay 1710. league 1711. loud
1712. mail 1713. massive 1714. mess
1715. mobile 1716. mode 1717. mud
1718. nasty 1719. native 1720. ordinary
1721. organize 1722. ought 1723. parent
1724. pattern 1725. pin 1726. pool
1727. possess 1728. possibility 1729. procedure
1730. queen 1731. ratio 1732. relation
1733. relieve 1734. request 1735. respond
1736. restaurant 1737. retain 1738. royal
1739. salary 1740. satisfaction 1741. sector
1742. senior 1743. shut 1744. signature
1745. significance 1746. silver 1747. somebody
1748. song 1749. strain 1750. struggle
1751. super 1752. swim 1753. tackle
1754. tank 1755. terribly 1756. tooth
1757. train 1758. trust 1759. upper
1760. visible 1761. volume 1762. wash
1763. waste 1764. wife 1765. yours
1766. administrative 1767. associate 1768. automatically
1769. branch 1770. breast 1771. chip
1772. deeply 1773. document 1774. dust
1775. former 1776. hardly 1777. hearing
1778. judge 1779. knife 1780. lab
1781. landscape 1782. measurement 1783. opening
1784. orange 1785. poetry 1786. police
1787. pound 1788. readily 1789. shame
1790. shelter 1791. shoe 1792. southern
1793. split 1794. tight 1795. town
1796. unfair 1797. unfortunately 1798. vehicle
1799. yellow 1800. accident