Vocabulary Book 11: Words 2001 - 2248

This book contains the most frequently used words in spoken English from 2001 - 2248. Please read the instrutions below before starting the lessons.
  • Listening: Click on "Listen to the Lesson" to listen to the audio file for the entire section
  • Speaking: Click on any blue sentence to play the audio file for that word and then repeat out loud what you hear
  • Practice: Click on "Listen with pause" and repeat each sentence before the next sentence starts
IMPORTANT: Please repeat out loud and continue practicing until you can say it like the native English speaker from the audio file. If you study in this manner, you will improve your speaking and listening!

2001. refuse 2002. regret 2003. remaining
2004. reveal 2005. ruin 2006. rush
2007. salad 2008. shake 2009. shift
2010. shine 2011. ship 2012. sister
2013. slice 2014. snow 2015. specify
2016. steal 2017. stroke 2018. suck
2019. sudden 2020. supermarket 2021. surround
2022. terrible 2023. tired 2024. tongue
2025. trash 2026. tune 2027. weak
2028. weakness 2029. wedding 2030. wooden
2031. worried 2032. anxious 2033. behave
2034. bicycle 2035. brave 2036. calm
2037. cloud 2038. comprehensive 2039. convince
2040. downtown 2041. establishment 2042. examination
2043. honey 2044. improvement 2045. independence
2046. inspection 2047. leather 2048. loose
2049. male 2050. prompt 2051. pursue
2052. reaction 2053. requirement 2054. sexual
2055. skirt 2056. specialist 2057. strongly
2058. switch 2059. unable 2060. warn
2061. zone 2062. accuse 2063. admire
2064. admit 2065. adopt 2066. affair
2067. anger 2068. announce 2069. anybody
2070. apologize 2071. apple 2072. approve
2073. asleep 2074. assignment 2075. attend
2076. award 2077. bathroom 2078. bear
2079. bedroom 2080. beer 2081. belong
2082. birthday 2083. bitter 2084. boot
2085. brilliant 2086. bug 2087. camp
2088. candy 2089. carpet 2090. cat
2091. celebration 2092. champion 2093. channel
2094. cheek 2095. client 2096. clock
2097. comfort 2098. confident 2099. cow
2100. crack 2101. dare 2102. dear
2103. decent 2104. delay 2105. departure
2106. diamond 2107. dirt 2108. drunk
2109. ear 2110. empty 2111. engineer
2112. entrance 2113. fault 2114. female
2115. fortune 2116. friendship 2117. funeral
2118. gene 2119. girlfriend 2120. grass
2121. guy 2122. hat 2123. hell
2124. honestly 2125. hurry 2126. illustrate
2127. incident 2128. indication 2129. inevitable
2130. inform 2131. intention 2132. invite
2133. joke 2134. kiss 2135. lady
2136. leg 2137. lip 2138. lonely
2139. mad 2140. marry 2141. motor
2142. neat 2143. nerve 2144. nervous
2145. nowhere 2146. odd 2147. ok
2148. passage 2149. passenger 2150. pen
2151. pizza 2152. platform 2153. poet
2154. pop 2155. pour 2156. pray
2157. pride 2158. priest 2159. prize
2160. propose 2161. punch 2162. quit
2163. remind 2164. reply 2165. resident
2166. resist 2167. resort 2168. ring
2169. rip 2170. roof 2171. rope
2172. rub 2173. sail 2174. script
2175. shall 2176. shirt 2177. silly
2178. sir 2179. slight 2180. smart
2181. smile 2182. stranger 2183. stretch
2184. stupid 2185. submit 2186. suppose
2187. surgery 2188. tale 2189. tall
2190. tear 2191. throat 2192. tiny
2193. toe 2194. tomorrow 2195. tower
2196. trainer 2197. translate 2198. truck
2199. uncle 2200. wake 2201. whoever
2202. witness 2203. wrap 2204. yesterday
2205. youth 2206. ambition 2207. analyst
2208. assistant 2209. bid 2210. championship
2211. commit 2212. conscious 2213. consequence
2214. criticize 2215. deserve 2216. destroy
2217. disappointed 2218. embarrassed 2219. falsely
2220. guilty 2221. hesitate 2222. highlight
2223. island 2224. jury 2225. manufacturing
2226. mate 2227. midnight 2228. negotiation
2229. obligation 2230. persuade 2231. pollution
2232. pretend 2233. previously 2234. promise
2235. recognition 2236. remarkable 2237. representative
2238. reputation 2239. scheme 2240. sock
2241. speaker 2242. spell 2243. station
2244. substantial 2245. suspicious 2246. sympathy
2247. temporary 2248. weekly